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130 Artwork Results

Woman making a Rug


Artist: Gabino Reyes Lopez

Chalupa Boat


Artist: Angelica Vasquez Cruz

Virgin of Guadalupe Cactus


Artist: Jose Juan Santiago

Virgin of Guadalupe


Artist: Gabino Reyes Lopez

Virgin Mary with Man kneeling


Artist: Gabino Reyes Lopez

Virgin Mary


Artist: Unknown

Virgin Mary


Artist: Placido Santiago Cruz

Virgin De Rosary


Artist: Guillermina Aguilar

Virgin de la Soledad


Artist: Gabino Reyes Lopez

Virgin de Guadalupe


Artist: Josefina Aguilar

CollectiveAccess error
Something went wrong
MySQL server has gone away in /var/www/html/pawtucket/app/lib/Db/mysqli.php line 316:
  1. In Db_mysqli->execute() in DbStatement line 151
  2. At DbStatement->executeWithParamsAsArray() in Db line 261
  3. At Db->query() in SearchResult line 778
  4. At SearchResult->prefetch() in SearchResult line 381
  5. At SearchResult->prefetchLabels() in SearchResult line 1662
  6. At SearchResult->get() in ObjectSearchResult line 104
  7. At ObjectSearchResult->get() in DisplayTemplateParser line 1203
  8. At DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues() in DisplayTemplateParser line 261
  9. At DisplayTemplateParser::process() in DisplayTemplateParser line 64
  10. At DisplayTemplateParser::evaluate() in displayHelpers line 2452
  11. At caProcessTemplateForIDs() in SearchResult line 2943
  12. At SearchResult->getWithTemplate() in browse_results_images_html line 151
  13. At require() in View line 329
  14. At View->_render() in View line 297
  15. At View->render() in browse_results_html line 230
  16. At require() in View line 329
  17. At View->_render() in View line 297
  18. At View->render() in ActionController line 163
  19. At ActionController->render() in BrowseController line 414
  20. At BrowseController->__call() in RequestDispatcher line 273
  21. At RequestDispatcher->dispatch() in AppController line 113
  22. At AppController->dispatch() in index line 124
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