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Two Mice Candle Holder
Artist: Herón Martínez Mendoza
Bird Shaped Candelabra
Cart with Team of Horses
Flight Into Egypt
Circular Wall Sconces with 2 Birds ( 2 Pieces)
12 Piece Nativity Scene
Tree of Life Candle Holder
Angular Vessel
Tree of Life on Donkey
Candelabra with Animals and Flowers
Circular Tree Candelabra
Dog Candelabra with Curled Designs
Face and Two Animal Head Candelabra
Bird and Two Baby Birds Candelabra
Three Dogs and a Cow Pot
Barking Dog Pot
Incised Pot with Three Birds
Man on Horse Candelabra
Parallel Ducks Candelabra
Peacock and Babies
Artist: Heron Martinez Mendoza