Browse the Art Work
All of the museum's cataloged art works are available to be viewed in our online catalog below.
Peruvian Painted Box
Artist: unknown
Yarn Llama and Family
Peruvian Wool Blanket
Andean Blanket with Animals
Small Andean Wool Blanket
Shipibo Textile
Quechua Chumpi
Black and White Horse Pattern Bag
Peruvian Chullo Wool Hat
Quechua Women's Hat (Montera) #2
Quechua Women's Hat (Montera)
Peruvian Fabric Doll with Baby
Peruvian Carved Gourds
Bamboo Mini Retablo
Yagua Doll with Straw Dress and Beads
Yagua Doll with Child
Yagua Doll with Bowl
Yagua Doll
Peruvian Wood and Stone Box and Cup
Peruvian Wood and Stone Ear Gauges
Chulucanas Peru Vessel
Pucara Bulls
Yerba Mate Cup and Mixer from Paraguay
Papua New Guinea Crocodile Boat
Papua New Guinea Raffia Skirt
Papua New Guinea Koteka
Bilum Bags
Tumbuan Long Nose Mask
Sherpa Family Dolls in Box
Brass Incense Burner
Moroccan Peasant Doll Riding a Donkey
Mexican Clacker Toy
Deer Mask
Wooden Virgin
Artist: Avelino Perez
Wood Carved Armadillos
Artist: Ventura Fabian
Mexican Wooden Fish Child's Toy