Apache Christ
Apache Christ
Apache Christ
Apache Christ

Apache Christ


Priscilla Murr Collection




Robert Lentz, OFM


Particle board with print that is adhered on the particle board. This is a print of the Apache Christ by the iconographer Robert Lentz, OFM. The Apache Christ originates from the culture of the Mescalero Apaches of New Mexico. In the pring, Christ is depicted as a Mescalero holy man, greeting the sun of the fourth morning of the woman's puberty rites. These are the most sacred of the Apache ceremonies, celebrating the sanctity of the gift of producing new life. A sun symbol is painted on his left palm, and he holds a deer hoof rattle in his right hand. A basket at his feet holds an eagle feather, a grass brush, and bags of tobacco and cattail pollen -- items used in the rites. He stands atop 12,000-foot Sierra Blanca, the sacred mountain of the Mescaleros. Behind him flies an eagle, the guide who first led the Apaches to their "promised land!" The inscription at the bottom of the icon is Apache for "Giver of Life," one of their names for God. The letters in Christ's halo are the Greek version of that name. The Greek letters in the upper corners of the icon are abbreviations for "Jesus Christ."


paint on paper







Where Made (Region)

New Mexico

Where Made (Country)

United States

Related place

United States

Name of Donor

Priscilla Murr