Susan Bassion Collection
Manuel, Angélico, and Isaías Jiménez
This is a wood carved polar bear made by Oaxacan artists Manuel, Angélico, and Isaías Jiménez. This family of wood carvers is from San Antonio Arrazola, a small town in Oaxaca, Mexico known for its wood carvers and craftspeople. Manuel Jiménez Ramírez (1919-2005) is considered the most famous of the Arrazola wood carvers and credited with creating the Oaxacan version of “alebrijes.” This polar bear is characteristic of his love of carving animals into pieces bold in shape, size and painting style. Angélico and Isaías, Manuel’s sons, continue his fine carving tradition in the family compound. They share many of the same carving and painting styles as their father. Angélico has been working as a carver, sculptor and painter for over fifty years and Isaías for over forty five. Both have their own workshops and are assisted by the wives and children.
"Autor Manuel Jimenez, Angelico Jimenez, Isaias ""
March 2019
Austin Friends of Folk Art