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Devil mask with 2 snakes, horns
Artist: Unknown
Devil Mask w/ two serpents and owl
Wisemen Standing (3 pieces)
Three Wood Carved Wiseman riding on Animals
Praying Angel, 1981
Wood Nativity (12 pieces)
African Nativity (11 pieces)
Nativity Bas-Relief Carved from Tree
Spotted Feline
Painted Armadillo
Two Wood Carved Birds
Painted Angel
Three Kings
Painted Particle Board
Kachina Doll (Shaloko)
Kachina Doll
Kachina Doll (Shalako)
Kachina Doll (Ogre Woman)
Hopi Hemis Kachina
Two Wooden Spoons
Kachina Doll (Handprint Racer)
Large Skeleton with Rotating Arms and Legs
Artist: unknown
Wood Skeleton Armoire
Bat Mask
Devil Mask with Two Snakes
Mermaid Mask
Hermit Mask
Goat Mask
Mermaid and Bird Mask
Old Man Mask (Viejo)
Viejito Mask
Bat and Mermaid Mask
El Barbón Mask
Nagual Mask