Browse the Art Work
Amish Dolls
Artist: unknown
Pima Coil Basket
Yupik Bone Doll
Artist: Unknown
Button Face Native Doll
Bird Pendant
Baby Polar Bear
Beluga Whale
Rhombus Earrings
Round Earrings
Lucky Halibut
Kayak Necklace
Miniature Mountain Spirit Mask
Two-Headed Statue
Willow Kumeyaay PaiPai Basket
Wolf Head on Metal Band
Jumex Ceramic Heart with Nails
Artist: Sharon Smith
Kachina Doll (Handprint Racer)
Hopi Hemis Kachina
Jar with belt pattern and base
Kachina Doll (Ogre Woman)
Kachina Doll (Shalako)
Kachina Doll
Kachina Doll (Shaloko)
Gourd Doll on Grass Ring Pedestal
Tohono-O’Odham Woven Yucca Basket
Tohono-O’Odham Woven Yucca Round Basket
Tohona-O’Odham Small Woven Cream & Brown Coil Pot
Small Clay Brown and Tan Painted Pot
Cochiti Pueblo Ceramic Frog
Small painted Acoma Pot with Lid & Kokopelli design
Small Painted Acoma Pot with Lizard Design
Small Clay White, Black & Tan Painted Pot
Clay Black & White Acoma Pot