Browse the Art Work
All of the museum's cataloged art works are available to be viewed in our online catalog below.
Black Clay Pitchers
Artist: Unknown
Black Clay Virgen de la Soledad
Artist: Dona Rosa
Muñeca holding Bowl
Black Maiden with Basket
Artist: Magdalena Pedro Martinez
Virgen de Guadalupe
Artist: Conceptíon Aguilar
Oaxacan Aguilar Nativity #2 (13 pieces)
Artist: Irene Aguilar
Oaxacan Aguilar Nativity #1 (12 pieces)
Virgen with Sword
Clay Bird
Artist: Josefina Aguilar
Aguilar Flight into Egypt (4 pieces)
Virgen Madonna with Gold Crown
Madonna with Child Virgen del Carmen
Virgen de los Desamparados
Virgen de la Soledad (Virgin of Solitude)
Two Mice Candle Holder
Artist: Herón Martínez Mendoza
Bird Shaped Candelabra
Cart with Team of Horses
Flight Into Egypt
Circular Wall Sconces with 2 Birds ( 2 Pieces)
12 Piece Nativity Scene
Tree of Life Candle Holder
Angular Vessel
Tree of Life on Donkey
Candelabra with Animals and Flowers
Bird, Fox and Face Candelabra
Artist: Heron Martinez Mendoza
Ducks Candelabra
Face and Birds Candle holder
Muñeca with Fruit Basket and Onions
Muñeca with Purse
Police Officer
Police Officer Holding White Object
Muñeca Holding Basket and Lime
Muñeca with Fruit Bowl
Standing Muñeca with Pinneapple
Kneeling Muñeca with Basket