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Barro Negro Candelabra
Artist: unknown
Mexico Box Nativity set (Nicho) (9 pieces)
Artist: Unknown
Unglazed Clay Pot with Blue Glaze Inside
Barro Negro Round Pot
Clay Madonna and Child in Oval Pot
Nativity Bas-Relief Carved from Tree
Tree of Life Candelabra with Person, Birds, Animals
Artist: Francisco Flores
Tree of Life Candelabra with Owls
Artist: Castillo Family
Nativity (Nacimiento) with Stars Candle Holder
Angel with Guitar Candle Holder
Tree of Life Nativity (Nacimiento) Candle Holder
Mexican Nativity (Nacimiento) (10 pieces)
Artist: Aurelio Flores
Tonalá Burnished Nativity (11 Pieces)
Nativity with Corn in Shelter (1 piece)
Praying Angel, 1981
Three Wood Carved Wiseman riding on Animals
Wisemen Standing (3 pieces)
Dyed Wood Nativity (12 pieces)
Artist: Vicente Garcia Cruz
Two Sided Sculpture with Nativity Scenes
Artist: Angelica Vasquez
Dancer with Two Flower Baskets
Clay Muñeca dressed in the style of Isthmus of Tehuantepec
Artist: Enedina Vasquez Cruz
Mermaid Candelabra
Tan Clay Pot with Lizards
Artist: Dolores Porras
Virgen de Guadalupe
White Clay Virgin covered with Flowers
Artist: Teodora Blanco
Rabbit Totem
White and Black Nativity (Nacimiento) (8 pieces)
Artist: Consuela Rendon
Black Clay Flower
Artist: Magdalena Pedro Martinez
Black Clay Pitchers
Black Clay Virgen de la Soledad
Artist: Dona Rosa
Muñeca holding Bowl
Black Maiden with Basket
Artist: Conceptíon Aguilar
Oaxacan Aguilar Nativity #2 (13 pieces)
Artist: Irene Aguilar
Oaxacan Aguilar Nativity #1 (12 pieces)