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Guatemalan Sashes (Fajas)
Artist: unknown
Chichicastenango Faja
Red and Black Faja
Repeating Flower Cinta
Santa Maria Nebaj Rebozo
Zunil Cinta
Stripe Belt
Purple and White Guatemalan Faja
Guatemalan Multicolored Faja with Yellow Line
San Antonio Aguas Calientes Faja
Guatemalan Belt with Silver Circle Conchos
Turquoise and Yellow Faja
Guatemalan Short Red Striped Belt
Thin Green Patterned Guatemalan Cinta
Guatemalan Striped Faja
Guatemalan Purple Belt with Diagonal Threaded Rectangles
Blue and Yellow Guatemalan Belt
Guatemalan Patchwork Skirt
Guatemalan Rebozo
Guatemalan Huipil with Bird and Rooster Pattern
Vintage table runner from San Martin Jlitepeque, Guatemala
Rebozo from Totonicapan, Guatemala
Guatemalan Tablecloth with Quetzales
Guatemalan San Lucas Tolimán Huipil
Trique Huipil
Santiago Atitlán Turkey Huipil
Santiago Atitlán Bird Huipil #2
Santiago Atitlán Bird Huipil
Santa Maria Nebaj Huipil
San Lucas Toliman Huipil
San Juan Sacatepequez Faja
San Antonio Aguas Calientes Huipil
Pink Belt
Patzún Huipil 2
Patzún Huipil 1