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Ghana Kente Cloth
Artist: unknown
Kuba Cloth Checker Pattern
Kuba Raffia Cloth
Congo Kuba Table Cloth
Kuba Cloth
Tibetan Embroidered Silk Hat
Tibetan Apron
Tibetan Monk's Hat
Chinese Tiger Hat
Chinese Children's Tiger Hat
Chinese Embroidered Headband
Chinese Lotus Shoes
Bhutanese Embroidered Kira
Bhutan Belt (Kera)
Bhutanese Kira
Bolivian Aymara Blanket
Bolivian Cholita Doll
Mud Cloth from Benin
Senegalese Wedding Fabric Strip
Ethiopian Gabi
Ethiopian Meqenet
Egyptian Rug
Repeating Flower Cinta
Santa Maria Nebaj Rebozo
Tibetan Yak Mat
Bolivian Manta
Zunil Cinta
Stripe Belt
Purple and White Guatemalan Faja
Guatemalan Multicolored Faja with Yellow Line
San Antonio Aguas Calientes Faja
Guatemalan Belt with Silver Circle Conchos
Turquoise and Yellow Faja
Guatemalan Short Red Striped Belt
Thin Green Patterned Guatemalan Cinta
Guatemalan Striped Faja